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Examples of Values-Aligned Procurement

Institutions across the United States are implementing promising strategies for values-aligned procurements. The resources linked below provide further detail. Purchasing cooperatives are another promising but often underutilized strategy for values-aligned procurements. 

Purchasing Cooperatives

Purchasing cooperatives, or co-ops, are a popular strategy SFAs use to procure and manage USDA Foods and other staple items. Co-ops are an often overlooked strategy for values-aligned procurements that warrant further exploration. Co-ops are an effective way for a school district to reduce costs and translate their program’s mission and vision into their procurement practices. In a school food co-op, districts unite to increase their purchasing power in negotiations with manufacturers and distributors, benefitting both school districts and vendors. Purchasing Cooperatives, at the simplest level, are a group of people or organizations with similar needs that band together to procure goods and services for their group collectively. In K-12, co-ops are generally created through inter-local or intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) or state agencies between several school districts. Since values-aligned products are hard to find and often outside the realm of K-12, establishing a values-aligned purchasing co-op might be one method to increase access to these products.

Additional Resources

CAF strongly suggests reading the following resources from our partners that have outlined in great detail examples of value-aligned procurements:

  1. The Federal Good Food Purchasing Coalition’s Values-Aligned Food Purchasing & Service: Promising Examples from US Federal Agencies & Programs highlights how federal agencies and programs  implement values-aligned procurement practices
  2. Common Market’s report, “Advancing School Food Procurement: Driving Values-Based Purchases Through Competitive Solicitations,” compiles existing values-based food solicitations from across the U.S. and lifts up best practices and insights from school food leaders, including school nutrition directors, food service management company representatives, USDA farm-to-school staff, and more
  3. The Center for Good Food Purchasing’s Solicitation Toolkit details exactly how to draft a values-aligned procurement 

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