District Communications
So you have a brand (and a logo) in place, now what?
First, you’ll want to include the brand on all of your own marketing materials. Then, explore all of the other district communications in which your program could be promoted. Here are some good places to start.

District Communications
So you have a brand (and a logo) in place, now what?
First, you’ll want to include the brand on all of your own marketing materials. Then, explore all of the other district communications in which your program could be promoted. Here are some good places to start.

District Website
A dynamic, informational website is a useful tool in bolstering your program’s authority in the community. Work with your school district to make your web presence strong and transparent.
Example: Minneapolis Public Schools (MN)

Newsletters are a great way to cover more ground and keep parents, teachers, and staff up-to-date on your school food program’s work. Be it monthly, bi-monthly, or even quarterly, your presence and transparency will be appreciated. Here you can feature new menu items, food service staff members, local farmers, upcoming events, and much more.
Example: Oakland Unified School District (CA)

Menu Calendars
Take this opportunity to really showcase your efforts. A well-designed, vibrant menu calendar will capture the attention of students and parents. Incorporating both student artwork and Harvest of the Month facts is a terrific way to engage and educate the student body. See our Art Contests page to learn how to host a menu calendar art contest. We’ve also created Menu Templates that you can download and customize to share.
Example: Boulder Valley School District (CO)

Posters and Signs
These can be used in the cafeteria for marketing as well as for food education. Visit our Posters and Signs section to see some examples of useful signage that can be downloaded for use in your cafeteria.

Developing and tasting recipes on a regular basis is a smart way to get kids involved and familiar with new items. Once a recipe is developed, make it available to the whole school community. This way, when students tell their parents about what was served for lunch that day, parents can make the recipes themselves. Instilling your menu and values in the home will garner further acceptance at school.
Example: Minneapolis Public Schools (MN)

Promotional Materials
Always put your logo on promotional materials—stickers, water bottles, aprons, hats, and more. These items can be given away as contest prizes, worn by your staff and volunteers, used for fundraising, and showcased at community events.
Example: Boulder Valley School District (CO)
Recommended Next Topic: Social Media
We live in a world where constant updates are not only accepted, they are also expected. Social media platforms are excellent tools for growing public awareness and engagement in your program.
Recommended Next Topic: Social Media
We live in a world where constant updates are not only accepted, they are also expected. Social media platforms are excellent tools for growing public awareness and engagement in your program.