Wellness Policy & Smart Snacks
The school’s role as a promoter of student health, physical activity, obesity prevention, and nutrition awareness and education was firmly established under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. The Smart Snacks in Schools interim rule that took effect in July 2014, with a final rule issued in 2016, established nutrition standards for all foods sold in schools beyond the NSLP programs.
Also in 2014 an interim rule took effect for the updated Local Wellness Policy requirements in school districts, which became a final rule in 2016. Combined, these two areas provide a distinct framework for communities to address and support childhood health and wellness in their schools.
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These rules have the potential to be ground breaking if parents, district administrators, principals, teachers, and the food service directors are all at the table working together.

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These rules have the potential to be ground breaking if parents, district administrators, principals, teachers, and the food service directors are all at the table working together.